Thursday, June 28, 2012

Recover from Sunday by staying in Arlington and Dallas June 29- July 1

Hey hey hey. I don't know about you but I'm still in recovery mode from last weekend's FW Weekly Music Awards showcase. Yeesh. So, I'm kind of glad this week is laid back in the festivities action.

Burning Hotels at Levitt Pavilion in Arlington
Bust out your best picnic blanket and stock a cooler with some Imperials to see my favorite Fort Worth boys play for free. Yes it may seem I've made it my personal mission to tell you every single time Burning Hotels play but that doesn't mean you have seen them yet and if not this is free so you should definitely go. Coolers with beer and wine are allowed but no glass. Oh and food is allowed haha. #priorities

The Blurries and Dove Hunter at The Foundry in Dallas
I dig both of these bands quite a bit. I feel like The Blurries don't play super often so this is your chance. Actually Dove Hunter doesn't play super often either. Up there I linked the description by that Pete Freedman guy that is better than anything I could tell you. ( Plus I couldn't find a website for the Foundry : / ) Oh and this is free too. Whoa

The Blurries yo ( Trippy)


I felt I needed a picture here. So hey look a cave
Caves 9th Anniversary party 3-2am
Everyone mark your calendars because this may be the first and last time I tell you to go to Arlington twice in one week. Caves anniversary party is going down all day. BBQ starting at 4 and Jazz outside from 6-10. On the inside is a sweet line up of local bands

Starting at 6

 Mills and Company
Zombie Shark Attack
We're Wolves
The Phuss
Pinkish Black

Apparently they are raffling Passion Pit tickets too. If nothing else at least go see The Phuss and Pinkish Black. I saw The Phuss at Lola's on Sunday and they are pretty rad live. (Side note: I can not find anything to link to the event on the entire internets. So just trust me that this information is correct because someone gave me all the deets or if you find a link holla in the comments section)

Cure for the Pain: The Mark Sandman Story at Texas Theatre
Oh man how legit does sitting in a cold theatre with a gin and tonic for a couple of hours sound. This is one of three events at Texas Theatre this weekend that interest me. Cure for the Pain documents the life and death of the lead singer of Morphine. It might be depressing as hell but the good kind of depressing. There are only two showings Saturday at 7 and Monday at 9.

 Jurassic Park Live Action Dino Show at Texas Theatre
It's like "Be Kind Rewind" but live and it's Jurrasic Park!! What more do I have to say?  Oh it starts at 5
 Just stay in your seat after because there's another event at Texas Theatre at 8. Ok to be fair you will have like an hour to kill. Maybe you can go get fitted for a quinceanera dress in that hour to wear to this party.

Raw: Natural Born Artists at Texas Theatre
A crazy extravaganza of activity: Short Films, Music, Fashion and Art. All in one spot. Seriously I 'm just thinking about how they will set that all up in time. I'm lying. I'm just thinking about what color quinceanera dress I would buy.

Seriously. This needs to be mine.
So This week I decided to try something new and put together a playlist on Spotify for you of what is playing this weekend. it includes the bands playing as well as some music related to the movies. Listen to it here.

OK kids. Stay tuned for next week when I try decide if there's really anything else I want to do besides see Katy Perry: Part of Me ( I doubt it).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Favorite Song of All Time Right Now 6/19

Listened to The Local Edge on Sunday and "O Sangeeta" by Daniel Hart has been stuck in my head ever since. Daniel Hart is a violinist that tours with St. Vincent and a few other bands. So here's a video or you can listen to my spotify playlist or you can buy the album here.

Friday, June 15, 2012

1 event in Dallas and 4 in the Fort 6/15-6/17

Christ on crutches I've had a lot going on this week. So I'm giving you a quick rundown of some sweet stuff to do this weekend. Sidenote: I started writing this and suddenly my day became super duper busy so click on the links because I'm giving you the simplest rundowns ever in the history of ever today. I probably could have just skipped this week all together but that's not as fun.

Thursday- Sunday:

Oak Cliff Film Festival
 Random awesome movies playing at a bunch of different locations.  New Fumes at Texas Theatre tonight. Wrap up party w/ dranks on Sunday. Woot

My kid acts in this short playing tonight so go see that for sure. ( click on the picture for ticket info)


Grand Opening of Live Oak music hall with John Oates
Music. Magnolia. Maneater

                    Rich Girl aka the American Version of Common People


Doc's Records Party Celebration
Free Beer. Free Food. Musics
1pm - Old Snack
2pm - The Treelines
3om - Darktown Strutters
4pm - Pagaentry
5pm - Panic Volcanic
6pm - The Breakfast Machine
7pm - Slumberbuzz
8pm - New Fumes

Solar Powered Music Festival
The Romantics, English Beat, Ishi, Whiskey Folk Ramblers, and Sam Anderson amongst othere playing Panther City Pavilion starting at 3:00

                       I'm kind of in love with this English Beat video guys

Ice Eater, Nervous Curtains, Fungi Girls, and another band whose name is too long at Lola's

I <3 Fungi Girls. I've heard good things about the other bands as well. The end.
Also at Lola's Skeleton Coast and Blackstone Rangers on Sunday

Sooo next week hopefully won't be so frigging cray in my real life so I can actually give you a decent post. Phew.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Top 3 of the Week 6/1-6/3

To say I'm in the middle of a shitty day might be the understatement of the year. Therefore this might be the simplest post ever on what to do this weekend. Hope you feel my devotion to you

KXT Summercut with The Flaming Lips, St. Vincent, and Fitz and the Tantrums plus more

The only beacon of light for me today is my first time seeing The Flaming Lips is happening tonight at 10 at Starplex. I would prefer a more intimate setting than  I might have a freaking heart attack because I love them so much. There are several other sweet bands opening as mentioned in the title as well as locals Telegraph Canyon, Smile Smile, Air Review.

My fave Flaming Lips song ever

Burning Hotels at Wild Rooster

Wild Rooster is an interesting place. I assumed the first time I went there it was some kind of biker bar just by the title. But then every once in awhile they have a really good show. That's where I saw Homegrown Artist Ume for the first time and they blew most of us away. Anyway, Burning Hotel are playing there and obviously I will always recommend going to their shows. Although the way Chance described the gig in that big FW Weekly article it sounds like they are just throwing a bone at the Wild Rooster. Butttt I never really trust the tone of quotes in articles because the quotes might be out of context. If I were famous the press would go crazy skewing my words. I say the dumbest shit and then a week later I don't even believe that statement anymore.

Friday through Sunday:
14th annual Q Cinema: Fort Worth's  Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival

I love telling people about the awesomeness of Fort Worth. ( I mean I started a whole damn blog about it) When I visit other states I feel like I'm an ambassador of Texas in general. The convo usually goes. "oh where are you from?," " Texas," "Ohh I'm sorry," or my favorite "You don't sound like you're from Texas." No I don't sound like I'm from Texas because not all people from Texas are thick accented republicans with a gun and a horse and bible (of course if I get drunk and angry then my accent comes out a wee bit). Then they usually say "well Austin is cool and then I flip them off and walk away." Or I go on a mission to disprove their dumbass stereotype because OMG where's your hackey sac Oregon. Did you lose it at the free range chicken farm?!!  

There's a point here and I'm almost at it. ( or you can skip to it) SO Recently I went up to Oregon after the Rainbow Lounge raid. In case you don't know the story I will give you an summary that is only based on my memory of the time. A few years ago on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, a pretty huge/ popular Gay bar in Fort Worth was raided and several people were arrested and beaten. The aftermath from Fort Worth citizens was remarkable.  People flipped teh fuck out. At least everyone I knew. There was a huge protest people were rading city council meetings. It was amazing to see our little city rally around the LGBT community when stereotypically people think Texans are homophobic assholes. ( To be fair we have yet to pass the marriage equality act so it's not like it's a state wide acceptance.)

POINT BEING  there are several screenings for the LGBT FIlm Festival at several locations including: Rose Marine Theatre, The Wherehouse, and  T&P Tavern. They are showing a documentary about the raid on Rainbow Lounge on Friday at Rose Marine at 8 if you want more of the story than my vague memory. Also can I note this is the 14th year in a row. So yea put that in your stereotype pipe and smoke it.

Man I feel better now actually. I guess there was a reason I started writing in the first place ay?