I happened to get to see a sneak preview and it was amazeballs. I'm not techinically allowed to give a "review" but I will say you will enjoy it but only if you like things like: Action, Joss Whedon, Laughing, Samuel L. Jackson, guys with bows and arrows, guys who look like this
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I mean with the and the and the mmmmmm sigh |
especially if you're a girl and you have a pulse unless of course you're not into dudes really then ummm hello Scarlett Johansson. Speaking of Scarlett Johannson she actually does a decent job of acting in this one as opposed to her completely flat performance in Iron Man 2. It was super weird seeing Colbie Smulders not playing Robin in HIMYM but props to her for making the big bucks now. My only complaint is that it was 3D and I freaking hate 3D. It's super cool feeling like I can touch the stair case or having bullets fly at my face but then a serious part with only conversation comes and you're like wait why are they in the dark oh I'm wearing effing sunglasses in a movie theater. Smooth. So try to see it not 3D. Other than that I would go see it again in the theaters at least twice if not more and I generally hate watching a movie more than once and especially rarely go to the theater.
As far as your best places to go I would go to the midnight screenings on Thursday (In FW we always go to the Rave in Ridgmar to be specific) because the real die hard nerdy fans come out at that time (sometimes in costume). Also Texas Theatre is showing it which should be a blast because that place was basically built by geeks and they have alcohol. Right before I posted this the Observer posted this article about why Texas Theatre would be showing such a mainstream movie. ( I didn't even question it ha!)
In other epic geek news it's Texas Frightmare Weekend!!! It's like comicon but all horror movie/ TV Show people. It's only 75 bucks for the whole weekend or 30 bucks a day. There are several movie screenings including Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies and a guest list which includes a ton of people I would squee over seeing. It's like a dream Dancing with the Stars cast where I would vote for everyone.
For instance:
- Flipping Traci Lords
- Anthony Michael Hall
- Freaking Michael Biehn!!!!!
- Clint Howard ( Ron Howard creepy looking brother that has been in a million moves)
- Danielle Harris (ok I actually didn't know she was in any horror movies I just know her as the slutty neighbor on Roseanne which still is awesome to me)
- Michael Madsen
- Lisa Marie ( as in ex of Tim Burton not Presley)
- A good chunk of the cast from "They Live"
- including Rowdy Roddy Piper
- The ass to ass guy from Requiem for a Dream ( or if you want a less disturbing reference the guy who does the voice over for the pillow/ blanket fort episode of Community. Ok now I've connected the two for you which might be more disturbing uhh sorry)
- and that creepy lady with the blue eyes who played Cagney in the first two episodes of Cagney and Lacey. BTW best scene from "They Live":
- A huge chunk of the cast of Carrie which is one of my all time favorite movies and I would probably flip out meeting such as
- Piper Laurie (OMG I love her so much my Twitter profile is me impersonating her)
- Bettie Buckley
- Nancy Allen (The other popular chick in the movie that didn't eventually marry Steven Spielberg)
- That chick who wears a baseball cap even at prom
Wellll that's about it- oh wait no there's more stuff to do this weekend.
Mayfest is going on all weekend in Fort Worth if you need some family friendly activities: games, face painting, several local bands, food and schtuff.
The Dallas Etsy spring bash is Saturday if you want to go buy something with a bird on it.
My peeps Tiffany Wolf and Christine Bisetto have another show at 500X this time the subject is Crushes and for the opening they encourage you to bust out your old bridesmaids dresses and sachay in.
Are you ready to partayyyy?
I love that movie so much.
As far as local music goes there are several shows as usual my picks are (Ima do some bullet point again bc hey once you get me started on bullet points I can't stop y'all)
- In Fort Worth:
- Thursday The Synaptic presents is back at Lola's with Driffield, The Skeeves, and Slumberbuzz
- Friday Mills &Co. at the Grotto. Taylor Craig Mills (new album has received a lot of positive local press lately. )
- Also on Friday at Lola's a blast from the local Texas scene past Bobgoblin is playing.
- For Cinco De Mayo there is a big celebration at the Wherehouse with Cleanup, My Wooden Leg, Mobley ( who I've blabbered on about a lot if you read this blog regularly), and Telegraph Canyon
- Whiskey Folk Ramblers at Chat Room
- In Dallas:
- Bobgoblin starts out here on Thursday at La Grange
- The Knux who apparently put on a pretty entertaining show are playing House of Blues ( it's only ten bucks though)
- Probably the biggest most likely to be attended by evvvverybody show is Sarah Jaffe at the Granada. Her new album came out last week and is fanfrickingtastic. It's already gained national attention. Here's the latest video. Also former Ishi member Taylor Rhea's new band Zhora is opening which should so be fab!
- Finally you can get in the way back machine and see The Melvins at Trees on Monday
So yea have a good weekend y'all.
Not that Colbie doesn't most likely make big bucks on HIMYM I realize