Thursday, January 12, 2012

Solid show line-up for January 11-14th

This is one of those weeks where there are a bunch of great things going on but you have to choose wisely because almost everything happens either Thursday or Saturday.

On Thursday there is something going on in nearly every part of  DFW so you could just pick what is closest.
In Fort Worth you can go to Lola's for the stellar line-up of  New Fumes, Skeleton Coast, and Ishi. I hear that New Fumes puts on a pretty crazy show. If you haven't heard New Fumes is Daniel Huffman who previously played with Polyphonic Spree and has toured with the Flaming Lips. I believe he is currently recording an album on Wayne Coyne's new label. Ishi always entertains. Also this is the event I am attending so that makes it totally worth going to.

In Denton Spooky Folk, Telegraph Canyon, and Centro-matic are playing at Dan's.  If you didn't know- Centromatic and Telegraph Canyon are kinddd of a big deal.

If you're in Dallas and too lazy to drive here or to Denton the Reverend Horton Heat is playing at House of Blues. I've seen the Rev probably 25 times since I was 18 and it is always awesome.

On Friday I totally wish I could go see Wu Tang at House of Blues.

Saturday the show at the Granada should be flipping awesome. Burning Hotels, Mon Julien, Menkana and Air Review. Mon Julien is the new band involving some ex members of Black Tie Dynasty. And I flipping loved Air Review when I saw them at the Wherehouse recently. I think we all know how I feel about Burning Hotels. So you should go. Burning Hotels and Mon Julien will eventually be in Fort Worth February 18th.

Or you could go to Texas Theatre to see Neil Hamburger's stand up. Twitter folks should recognize him from how often he is retweeted Specifically for his responses to major food companies and celebrities.

Meanwhile in Fort Worth at Billy Bob's MOTHER FLIPPING STYX Y'ALL!!! They're gonna tear up some Come Sail Away and Renegade and Mr. Roboto and and ok I'm done. Damn I love Styx. 

All right peeps. ttfn.

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